Monday, July 25, 2011

Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books?

Shiyang Song
Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books?
I think knowledge gained from books is more important. If knowledge from experience is more important, why would we need to study knowledge from books?
First, most knowledge from books is right before college. This part of knowledge is certain to be right, it’s base knowledge. Of course, there is some wrong knowledge, but we could only know it’s wrong after we have enough knowledge. The way to get the knowledge is study from books. For this reason, we should study more knowledge from books.
The knowledge in books is easy for us to study, because it is chosen by knowledgeable people, When someone found it as a regular knowledge and proved it, it was very hard. For example, nowadays, we know that the earth is an ellipse and moves around the sun, but in the past times, people didn’t think so. They thought that the earth was the centre of the the universe. They thought the earth was square. They burned people who thought the earth was round and people who thought the earth wasn’t the centre of the space. Then, after a long time, they finally could believe that what the earth like, after many worthy people’s death. But we know it, we will never think about the earth is square nor the earth is the centre of the universe. So, why don’t we think so? Why we know it? It is because we have studied it from some books. The knowledge from books is the experience that our forebears found. So, it’s not essential for us to find it from experience. If we find all the knowledge, which someone has found before from experience, we won’t have time to find new knowledge. So, human will not advance.
It doesn’t mean that knowledge from experience is not important, but I think knowledge from books is more important for us. If you go college, and know more, you can discover new knowledge for people to study, but knowledge from books is the base. Thus, knowledge gained from books is more important than knowledge from experience for us.


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